
Diablo 4 Druid BuildBoulder Bear

End Game
Hard to Play
Dungeon Push
Build Summary

This is the ONLY build that utilizes Boulder and makes it work! Being able to spam Boulder allows us to keep enemies back while doing massive damage. We have Bulwark as an option for spike damage on bosses and tough targets. Boulder allows for a unique gameplay loop that is extremely safe for high Nightmare Dungeon clears!

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Ring 1Empty
Ring 2Empty

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Use Blood Howl to activate Vigilance.
  2. Use Wind Shear to activate Aspect of Might.
  3. Use Boulder to activate Heightened Senses.
  4. If there is a priority target:
  • Trample into the pack.
  • Use Wind Shear.
  • Use Bulwark.
  • Wait for Bulwark to detonate.
  • Dash to safety.
  1. The rest of the time alternate between Wind Shear and Bulwark.
  2. Use Petrify for tough targets or as a panic button.
How It Works

In this build, you will alternate between Wind Shear and Boulder constantly. By using Vasily's Prayer as our helmet, our Boulder becomes a Werebear skill. This allows us to get Shapeshifting bonuses each time we leave and enter Werebear form. Since Wind Shear is a human ability, it allows us to continuously get those bonuses.

The best weapon choice is a 2h-Axe. We want the massive damage to healthy enemies multiplier. If you use a staff, the damage to crowd controlled enemies will not apply to bosses and we are using Barber, so we often deal large damage to a full healthbar.

I've considered using Skulls in my weapon for added survivability since we don't have great Vulnerable up-time. Food for thought if you feel you need it.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to visit my stream: Twitch.TV/Screamheart