Diablo 4 Druid BuildBouldercane (Bouldercaine Bear)
The Bouldercaine Bear has finally been UNCHAINED for season 7! Not only is Boulder now Cast While Moving but we also FINALLY have an indicator that tracks how many boulders are circling in our Hurricane! On top of these amazing changes we are also getting a MASSIVE power increase through the Obsidian Slam boon and the new seasonal Witchcraft powers and Occult Gems. So, if you're a returning Druid player who loves Bouldercane or a new Druid player looking for an awesome build Bouldercaine Bear is ready to ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!

Resource Management:
If you are experiencing difficulties with resource management run a second ring with temper Wrath Skills Restore Resources instead of Hunter's Zenith ring.
Good Resource Aspects include Umbral and Starlight
Swap Weapon Affix Overpower Damage --> Resourse Cost Reduction
Swap Rune Yom --> Qax

Suppressor Enemies
Build Notes
- Cast Hurricane
- Cast Boulder
- Use Defensive skills for survivability and to maintain buffs
- Cast Petrify for Elite packs and Bosses or to refill resources
Now if you want to play Bouldercane you're going to NEED a Dolmen Stone amulet. Dolmen Stone causes your boulders to rotate around you while you have Hurricane active. Then, you're going to need a Vasily's Prayer to turn Boulder into a Werebear skill so you can maximize your overpower potential! After you have everything assembled you want to stack out as much Hp/Willpower/Overpower damage to send your boulder damage into the stratosphere! Hurricane Duration is the next hurdle. Make sure you have at least 2 Hurricane Duration tempers on your gear and invest into some Nature Magic cooldown on your amulet.
The next part is my personal favorite, Resource Generation! The key to infinite boulder spam is the resource temper CASTING WRATH SKILLS RESTORES PRIMARY RESOURCES. With just one temper and one or two masterwork crits casting boulders will actually give you resources back. Combining this with the invocation rune Yom for constant Petrifies is actually my preferred way to play. However, if you are a diehard Pit Pusher swapping Yom to Qax and using Ring of Starless Skies is the way to go. But BEWARE, this version takes a lot of practice to get the timing right for those MASSIVE DOUBLE DAMAGE OVERPOWER CRIT boulders.
Aside from all the standard stuff, the powerful new seasonal mechanic gives us an easy way to apply poison with Aura of Siphoning and big damage buffs as well! So, get out there and give it a whirl! You won't regret it!
In-Depth Explanation
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