
Diablo 4 Druid BuildULTIMATE Domination Boulder Build - Uber + NON UBER versions!

Season 5
Boss Killer
Speed Farm
Updated on Aug 23, 2024
Build Summary

The build is based on the Dolmen Amulet and the Metamorphic Stone Aspect allowing you to constantly have hurricane up as well as cataclysm with the Mjölnic Ring for unlimited Spirit. Biiiiiig dps, very good AoE, extremely tanky. Its also very fast with maxed out movementspeed, allowing you to rush through pits, NMDs and overworld content.

Non GA Dolmen Stone Uber
GA Dolem Stone Uber
Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
SkullRing 1
SkullRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • VERY good single and multi target dmg
  • Extremely fast
  • Extremely tanky
  • Fun to play


  • Needs uniques
  • Needs a TON of CDR (Ubers, Greater affixes, masterworks)
  • Impossible to lvl with

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Gameplay strategy during leveling

  1. Cast Hurricane.
  2. Cast Boulder. A lot. You can spin 10 of them, increasing your dmg more and more.
  3. Cast Catacylsm to wreck havoc and trigger the new MjÖlnic Ryng for x100% dmg on everything. Keep in on cooldown. Unlimited spirit.
  4. Cast Earthen Bulwark for unstoppable, unhindered and a MASSIVE Barrier.
  5. Cast Bloodhowl to heal.
  6. Cast Poison Creeper to Poison enemies and trigger Envenom as well as potentially Heightend Malice. (7. Use Potion with Soulbrand for Barrier.)

What Weapon should I use?

Polearms or Maces. 2h.

How It Works

Build Explanations

The Harlequin Version is the one with the best defenses.

The Uber GA Dolmen Version offers you the best dps but lower defenses.

The NON Uber GA Dolmen Version offers you similar dps to the Harlequin version but MUCH worse defenses.

In-Depth Explanation

Video Guide
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