Diablo 4 Druid BuildThe Large Petting Zoo - Wolves
This is a Zoo build that focuses on Wolves and is meant to empower our companions as we fight alongside them.
We have ALL the wolves for the largest Zoo around.
Shred will be used primarily for mobility and Ancestral Guidance as well as keeping enemies poisoned with Toxic Claws.
Cataclysm can have 100% uptime for a massive damage buff.
There will be a whole lot of Lightning and Lightning Wolves.
This build focuses on pumping up Wolves and deals excellent single target damage. AOE is lacking, so while this may not be the best build for Hordes, it excels at killing bosses and is solid in the Pits.
This build is all about Wolves, and now we can have more than ever! The Zoo has become quite large!
https://www.twitch.tv/smallpettingzoo https://twitter.com/SmallPettingZoo

Late game Maul can be dropped for Debilitating Roar as you will have infinite spirit from Cataclysm. Creeper is dropped for Blood Howl. Ravens is dropped for Hurricane for 20% more DR.

With a GA CDR Shako this build can reach 100% Cataclysm Uptime without Flickerstep Boots. Use Spirit Bond on your chest until you have the Uber Unique chests, both of which are excellent. Starless Skies can replace Moonrage. Use Diamonds in Jewelry if needed. Use Zec Rune for Ulti CDR.

Excellent Single Target DPS
Infinite Cataclysm
Poor large scale AOE for Hordes
Build Notes
Cast Cataclysm for 100x damage. (On Cooldown) Cast Hurricane for 20% DR. (On Cooldown) Cast Wolves on Elites while Shredding onto them. Cast Wolves on Cooldown. Shred to activate Ancestral Guidance and poison enemies in between Wolves casts. Weave in casts of Blood Howl and Debilitating Roar for Buffs/Debuffs. Repeat.
This is a Zoo build that focuses on Wolves. They hit HARD.
If you don't have Shroud for your Chest you MUST put one Skill Point into Toxic Claws.
Important Buffs come from Cataclysm, Heightened Malice, Ancestral Guidance, casting our Defensive Skills, and Shapeshifting. Constantly Shapeshifting will boost our DR, Fortify, Movement Speed, and Damage.
Use Maul in place of Debilitating Roar until you feel comfortable with your Cataclysm uptime and no longer need to generate spirit.
Stacking buffs will give us multiple multipliers: Cataclysm gives us 100x Damage. Heightened Malice gives us 45x Damage (Poison multiple targets with Shred Critical Strikes) Shepherds Aspect gives us 26x damage per pet. Ancestral Guidance gives us 40x. Passive skills stack to add many more.
This build does not use the Thunderstruck Legendary Node. Thunderstruck has yet to work with Wolves.
A triple passive Amulet is near impossible to find. Willpower and Crit Chance are Solid.
Mercenaries are really up to you. I chose attack speed.
Swap attack speed for Health on gear if squishy.
Have fun! The Pets are finally powerful enough to shine.
Come watch the adventure at https://www.twitch.tv/smallpettingzoo or https://twitter.com/SmallPettingZoo
My fellow druid Sand was a major contributor and tester of earlier versions of this build.
My fellow druid Shellblock and I also spent hours theorycrafting early variations on this theme.
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