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Diablo 4 Barbarian BuildEndgame Whirlwind Mace

End Game
Build Summary

This build spins and it wins, it's as simple as that. The whirlwind barb is still one of the games strongest builds for clearing and single target despite the repeated nerfs and this build is min-maxed to help you deal with all the content in the game.

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Aspect of Grasping WhirlwindHelm
Aspect of DisobedienceChest Armor
Aspect of the ExpectantGloves
Exploiter's AspectBoots
Conceited AspectAmulet
Bold Chieftain's AspectRing 1
Aspect of the UmbralRing 2
Edgemaster's AspectBludgeoning Weapon
Aspect of the Dire WhirlwindDual-Wield Weapon 1
Aspect of Berserk RippingSlashing Weapon
Aspect of Limitless RageDual-Wield Weapon 2
Ring 1Empty
Ring 2Empty

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Gameplay is rather simple, we use our shouts to help generate fury (Rallying Cry), keep us alive (Challenging Shout), and to increase our damage and provide fortify (War Cry).
  2. If we need to generate extra fury, or want to activate our Expectant Aspect or Mortal Draw Glyphs we can attack with Lunging Strike. Note that this also grants us Berserking on crit which is a nice little damage boost.
  3. Lunging Strike is also a great gap closer and can be used to quickly reposition.
  4. Use Kick to apply Vulnerable to enemies that managed to survive past the first 3 seconds of combat with you or to knock dangerous foes into walls so that they can be stunned and killed.
  5. Kick helps tremendously vs bosses as it allows us to have a much higher uptime on Vulnerable in these longer fights. You will do a TON more damage while Vulnerable is up so it is okay to stall for Kick or Exploit to come off cooldown during a boss fight.
  6. Always try to start spinning after topping off your fury and maximizng your Limitless Rage aspect. You can tell when it's ready by the icon above your action bar reaching a count of 60.
  7. Rallying Cry is our sole source of Unstoppable in this setup so you need to be careful when it is not up to not get crowd controlled. Likewise Challenging Shout provides a TON of defense so it is okay to back off and play safe when it is on cooldown.
How It Works

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