
Diablo 4 Barbarian BuildBangers & Bash

Season 5
End Game
Boss Killer
Updated on Sep 12, 2024
Build Summary

Currently the Strongest build for pushing pit and bossing for the Barb in season 5!

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
DiamondRing 1
DiamondRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Simple to play
  • High AoE
  • Infinite fury
  • Boss killer


  • Speed farming

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

1. Steel Grasp enemies on top of you 2. HoTa to apply Paingorgers debuff & 40% attack buff 3. Bash everything to death (in higher pits repeat rotation every 5 seconds)

Challenging Shout & Warcry On large packs of enemies, this will help burst them down and mitigate damage. WoTB on cooldown.

How It Works

Bash is back! Despite the nerfs to the temper this build still pumps damage. Bash is by far the strongest competitor in the pits and an excellent Bosser.

Bringing the build back from what looked like certain death is the new unique Shard of Verathiel which and a butt ton of multiplicative damage to basic skills with the trade-off, of them now costing fury to use.

However, it's very easy to turn this trade-off into a boon by introducing Ring Of The Starless Skies as this increases the damage of any skill that costs resources.

Finally, because Bash is a basic skill at the end of the day, even though it costs fury it generates it back in more than equal amounts allowing to swing permanently.

In-Depth Explanation