Insidious - God Rolls, Stats & More
Legendary Pulse Rifle
Shape: Deception
![Insidious Perk Playground](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/destiny-2/images/items/icons/43022ab2098d527e2ab42d108a0c17da.jpg)
Insidious Perk Playground
Custom Roll
![Aggressive Burst](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/destiny-2/images/items/icons/5c4c7b8c580a97ede3981eceefb63540.png)
Aggressive Burst
Hard-hitting four-burst fire.
Active Perks
Impact | 35 | |
Range | 74 | |
Stability | 60 | |
Handling | 27 | |
Reload Speed | 34 | |
Aim Assistance | 44 | |
Zoom | 18 | |
Airborne Effectiveness | 24 | |
Magazine | 36 | |
Recoil Direction | 78 | |
Rounds Per Minute | 450 | |
Inventory Size | 59 |
Source: "Vow of the Disciple" Raid