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Zaouli's Bane (Harrowed) - God Rolls, Stats & More
Legendary Hand Cannon
As the teeth rend and tear, my consolation is that the child lives.
Zaouli's Bane (Harrowed) PvE God Rolls
Scorched Earth
Adaptive Frame
A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Active Perks
Impact | 84 | |
Range | 43 | |
Stability | 52 | |
Handling | 46 | |
Reload Speed | 43 | |
Aim Assistance | 77 | |
Zoom | 14 | |
Airborne Effectiveness | 19 | |
Recoil Direction | 89 | |
Rounds Per Minute | 140 | |
Inventory Size | 50 | |
Magazine | 10 |
Source: "King's Fall" Raid