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Thorn - Stats, Exotic Perk, Catalyst & More

Exotic Hand Cannon
"To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects—hollow of spirit and meaning." —13th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow
Thorn Guide
Soul Devourer
Soul Devourer

Absorbing a Remnant strengthens Mark of the Devourer and partially refills the magazine.

Mark of the Devourer
Mark of the Devourer

Rounds pierce targets and deal damage over time. Kills with this weapon leave behind Remnants.

What makes Thorn exotic is the ability to deal damage over time (DoT) which is added on top of the initial hand cannon shot. With the Soul Devourer perk, after a kill the damage of the DoT is increased and the magazine is refilled. Where this comes into play is in PvP when a guardian has under 6 resilience stat, the buffed Thorn will be able to kill in 2 precision hits. When using Thorn scout out your opponents in the roster and inspect their guardians to check their stats. If they are running lower resilience you will be able to feast off of them, and with the added knowledge that they'll be finished off by the DoT, you can hit your two precision shots then disengage from the fight as they die from the DoT. Even in its base form Thorn's DoT applies continual damage which means in a peak shooting fight the opponent will recover their health slower as they are continuously being damaged, allowing the Thorn user to reengage in the fight sooner.

Thorn Perks
Thorn Catalyst
Thorn Catalyst
Thorn Catalyst

Upgrades this weapon to a Masterwork. Once upgraded, the weapon will obtain enhanced capabilities, such as increased stats and/or additional perks.

Defeat targets using this weapon to unlock this upgrade.

Refined Soul
Refined Soul

Grants bonus range and stability. Dealing a final blow or absorbing a Remnant grants additional increased weapon range, as well as increased mobility and handling for a short time.

Range: 15
Stability: 5
Airborne Effectiveness: 5
Targets defeated: 700
Thorn Stats
Reload Speed
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Inventory Size60
Recoil Direction100
Rounds Per Minute140
How to get Thorn

Source: Exotic Archive at the Tower