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Hawkmoon - Stats, Exotic Perk, Catalyst & More

Exotic Hand Cannon
Stalk thy prey and let loose thy talons upon the Darkness.
Hawkmoon Guide
Opening Shot
Opening Shot

Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.

Paracausal Shot
Paracausal Shot

Final blows and precision hits with Hawkmoon grant stacks of Paracausal Charge. The final round in the magazine deals bonus damage based on the number of stacks. Stowing Hawkmoon on the final round removes this bonus.

Precision hits and final blows will build stacks of Paracausal Shot. The final shot of the magazine will deal extra damamge based on how many stacks are gathered. This weapon is best for gamemodes where players will disengage from fights often such as Trials of Osiris. This allows you to passively build stacks of Paracasual Shot, and then kill an enemy from 2 or even 1 shots due to the extra damage of the final shot. At 6 or 7 stacks, a guardian will be killed in shot shot from the final shot. At 4 stacks, a guardian of mid to lower resilience will be killed by precision hits from the final two shots combined, and when at 5 stacks, a guardian of any resilience will be killed by the last two shots being precision hits. Reloading is only worth doing if you have used a good portion of the magazine with little to no stacks built up. The weapon will reset its stacks from reloading, but not from swapping to a different weapon. Even outside of being able to 1 shot someone, Hawkmoon is a hand cannon with solid stats and the ability to have access to a good dueling perk such as Rangefinder, Eye of the Storm, or Opening Shot.

Hawkmoon Perks
Hawkmoon Catalyst
Hawkmoon Catalyst
Hawkmoon Catalyst

Upgrades this weapon to a Masterwork. Once upgraded, the weapon will obtain enhanced capabilities, such as increased stats and/or additional perks.

Defeat targets using this weapon to unlock this upgrade.

Hunter's Trance
Hunter's Trance

Increased magazine size. Grants increased handling, reload speed, and weapon range based on the number of stacks of Paracausal Charge.

Magazine: 10
Targets defeated: 700
Hawkmoon Stats
Reload Speed
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Inventory Size52
Rounds Per Minute140
Recoil Direction96
How to get Hawkmoon

Source: Acquired from Xûr

Hawkmoon Alternatives
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