Destiny 2 Titan BuildDoomslayer Shotgun Build

While you have a Void Super equipped, rapid Shotgun final blows or defeating a powerful combatant with a Shotgun will grant a Void overshield and start health regeneration. While you have a Void overshield, Shotguns deal additional damage, and Shotgun final blows refresh the overshield. Provides a moderate benefit to Shotgun airborne effectiveness and reload speed.

Huge damage and add clear
Very aggro
Ammo economy
Build Details
The first step of this build is to get some multikills with your shotgun. This is best done with a heavy hitting weapon like legend of acrius or imperial decree. A kill will proc discord for you energy shotgun, at which point you can go to town on all the enemies for 7 seconds. Discord will give you ammo back for every kill. The kills will be granting you an overshield which has 70% damage reduction, and while you have an O/S, you will deal 35% more shotgun damage. Devour will also be giving you health back on every kill for even more survivability.
If you are using a void shotgun like scavenger's fate, you will also be making void breaches which have a host of synergies with various artifact mods.
- Make an orb
- Grab orb for devour
- Slay out with your shotguns until everything is dead
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