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Destiny 2 Titan BuildDebuff Everything

Grandmaster Nightfall
Master Content
Updated on Jun 24, 2024
gear and mods
Collective ObligationExotic Pulse Rifle

This weapon leeches Void debuffs when damaging targets that are suppressed, weakened, or volatile. Once charged, [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap firing modes. In this mode, damage from this weapon applies the same Void debuffs that were leeched.

Second ChanceExotic Gauntlets

Gain a second charge of your Shield Throw melee. Your Shield Throw melee now weakens targets and becomes shield-piercing, stunning [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.

When you stun a [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champion with your Shield Throw melee, you regain a melee charge.

class item
artifact perks

Build Details

How It Works

Throw a suppressor grenade to simultaneously suppress a target and weaken it with facet of dominance. Ideally, you will also get a final blow the grenade to get volatile rounds from facet of bravery as well. This will give you all 3 void debuffs from one grenade. Then destroy everything with collective obligation, while spreading suppression, weaken and volatile. Chuck out a shield throw as well for a 25% damage buff from radiant thanks to facet of dawn. Then just continue this loop throughout the whole activity you are running. When you come up to a barrier champion, you can stun it with the shield throw, which will weaken it and give you radiant which is a 43.75% damage increase. On top of this, if you are hitting it with void damage, then the weaken will be a 25% weaken instead of 15%, allowing you to deal 56.25% more damage from a simple shield throw. It is incredibly powerful. You can use this on other high health targets as well whenever you have a shield throw, but it is best on barrier champs, because when the shield throw breaks the barrier shield, it grants you your melee charge back.

If you do not have collective obligation, then no worries. This build will be nearly as strong with any good void primary, especially something like graviton lance. And you do not have to run The Call or Edge Transit. Use whatever weapons fit the activity you are playing. As you get kills on a weakened target, you will be activating void hegemony, which also feeds into shieldcrush to give you quicker ability cooldowns. And if you do not want suppressor grenades, then pulse grenades work great with this build thanks to the jolt. It all comes down to the content you are running and what works best. I just tried to theme it around getting the absolute most out of Collective Obligation.

Video Guide
Gameplay Loop
  • Throw grenade or melee to weaken target.
  • Leech weaken off the target with Collective Obligation.
  • Grenades can also suppress and grant volatile rounds
  • Spread void debuffs to everything with Collective Obligation
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • Use shield throws to break barrier shields and to give yourself radiant.
  • Radiant is 25%
  • Weaken from Second Chance is 15% debuff. And 25% from void sources thanks to Expanding Abyss
  • Shield throw gives overshield which procs shieldcrush for faster melee cooldown. While simultaneously proccing radiant with facet of dawn for a quicker grenade cooldown
  • Diamond lances and Dreng's lash suspends are useful for add control or on unstoppable champions
  • Run whatever super you like
  • Run any fragments you deem necessary. But Dawn, Bravery and Dominance pair perfectly with this
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