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Destiny 2 Warlock BuildDevoured Vortex

Easy to Play
Grandmaster Nightfall
High Survivability
Master Content
gear and mods
kinetic slotEmpty
Le MonarqueExotic Combat Bow

Arrows fired quickly after a full draw become poison arrows. Precision hits with poison arrows stun the combatant and spread poison to nearby ones. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions.

power slotEmpty
Contraverse HoldExotic Gauntlets

Resist incoming damage while charging your Void grenade with Chaos Accelerant. Charged Void grenades return grenade energy on a hit.

class item
artifact perks

Build Details

How It Works

The goal of this build is to buff your vortex grenades and be able to spam them all the time.

This is achieved by running chaos accelerant so you can charge your grenade up so it lasts longer and has a bigger radius. Since you can charge your grenade, running Contraverse Hold is a must because you will get damage reduction while doing so and grant a large portion of your grenade energy back. Taking echo of remnants will also further increase the duration of your vortex grenade. Finally, for your grenade taking echo of undermining will now let it apply a weaken effect.

Your grenades aren’t only huge and able to apply effects, but they also help you out on kills. With feed the void, when you get an ability kill, you are granted devour. Devour will heal you to full on every kill and grant grenade energy. To keep devour up longer, echo of persistence will increase the duration of it. On top of procing devour, getting grenade kills will also grant volatile rounds for your void weapons.

Any void weapons will work in this build, but Le Monarque is very good for endgame content. The poison from the weapon can proc volatile on enemies and even cause detonations for massive explosions if a bunch of enemies are around.

You don’t have to take advantage of artifact perks with this build, so that means it is future-proof, and you can take it into other seasons.

Video Guide
Gameplay Loop
  1. Charge your grenade and through at a large group of enemies
  2. Get kills with your grenade to gain back grenade energy and proc devour and volatile rounds
  3. Get kills while devour is up to heal to full and gain grenade energy
  4. Pick up orbs to grant armor charge for void weapon surge
  5. Keep slaying and throwing grenades to keep devour up and weakening everything
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