Destiny 2 Warlock BuildInfinite Ignitions

Rockets embed themselves in struck targets and periodically eject incendiary fuel that inflicts Scorch. The longer this weapon goes without firing, the more fuel the next rocket contains.

Your Daybreak projectiles deal more damage and scorch targets on impact. Your scorch is improved and you gain a small amount of melee energy when your scorch damages a target.

Build Details
The goal of this build is to spread ignition everywhere.
With the new artifact perk solar fulmination, your ignitions do more damage and cause a second explosion. You can pair that with ember of char so your ignitions apply scorch, and both explosions will apply it. Finally, with ember of ashes applying more scorch stacks, every ignition you do can chain to another and cause a crazy explosive domino effect.
Dragon's Breath is an excellent pairing for this, allowing you to blow up an entire battlefield with one rocket. It's also very strong for boss damage when pairing it with your song of flame super. Every ignite reloads the weapon so you can spam all of your abilities while also shooting Dragon's Breath repeatedly. You can also use any solar sniper to apply scorch with incendiary rifle rounds, and with ember of ashes, you can ignite after three shots.
With Dawn Chorus, all the scorch damage we are doing will be increased, and extra melee energy will be granted to us. We can also take ember of searing for even more melee energy and the ability to make firesprites. Then, with ember of singing every time we have an enemy scorched, we will also get class ability energy back. This is great paired with hellion because we will always have one available. Your hellion can also scorch and ignite enemies as well. Our other aspect will be touch of flame so our fusion grenades can explode twice.
Finally, I recommend a weapon with shoot-to-loot. This will allow you to pick up orbs of power and ammo from across the map. Picking up orbs can proc things like radiant orbs and recuperation. While you're radiant, your grenade will also recharge faster because of shieldcrush.
Bossing: 1. Pop song of flame and hellion 2. Shoot Dragon's Breath on a boss 3. Spam your abilities while also shooting Dragon's Breath when it's reloaded 4. Swap to your solar sniper to apply more scorch and cause more ignitions
Mobbing: 1. Shoot Dragon's Breath into a group of enemies 2. Use your abilities to help cause ignitions 3. Spread scorch and ignitions around the entire map 4. Use song of flame in any sticky situation

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