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Destiny 2 Warlock BuildPrismatic Infinite Vortex

Easy to Play
High Survivability
Updated on Jun 13, 2024
gear and mods
Graviton LanceExotic Pulse Rifle

Second shot of a burst rips a hole through space-time, doing high damage and recoil with no falloff.

Osmiomancy GlovesExotic Gauntlets

Your Coldsnap grenades have an additional charge that recharges quicker on hits. The seeker spawned from Coldsnap grenades travels farther.

class item
artifact perks

Build Details

How It Works

Exotic Class Item: Spirit of Osmiomancy & Spirit of Synthoceps

All we do is sit here and click our grenade button. Nothing else. We don't use our 3 melees, we don't use our class ability, No transcendence or super either.

We literally click one button and have Infinite Vortex grenades. These Vortex grenades are also doing 5 things for us all at once.

First there applying a 15% weaken debuff on anything they come in contact with That is thanks to the Fragment called facet of dominance where void grenades weaken targets..

2 thing is the grant us devour for a full heal on kills and extra grenade energy per kill.

3rd they give us Volatile rounds for 12 seconds, as you can see we can for sure have our grenade back in 12 seconds to keep volatile rounds up all the time!

4th they give us void over shields as well, that's why you see me with a full one up top. That is thanks to the artifact mod that gives us void over shields when we defeat a weaken target.

And 5th is generating so many orbs of power for you and your fireteam thanks to the firepower mods and allowing us to spawn a orb of power every second. So one single Vortex grenade can create 4 to 5 very easily and all of this is without incorporating anything else in the Build yet with all our other abilities!

Its every Warlocks dream to throw grenades like this so I hope you enjoy it!

Gameplay Loop
  1. Throw Vortex Grenade
  2. Throw Vortex Grenade
  3. Throw Vortex Grenade
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