Destiny 2 Warlock BuildPrismatic Crown

While you have an Arc ability equipped, Arc ability or Jolt final blows increase the recharge rate of your abilities and extend the duration of Stormtrance.

Build Details
With Crown of Tempest we get some insanely strong benefits from the Prismatic subclass. See, we can use arc abilities or get jolt kills to gain up to 3 stacks of Conduction Tines, which will give us over 500% Ability Regeneration rate for our Grenade, Melee, and even our super. While this regeneration rate is nice, there is one more specific interaction that I love.
With Stacks of Conduction tines, you gain Decreased Super Drain for any passive super. This means we can take Song of Flame to gain 90% DR, 25% weapon damage with Radiant, and scorching rounds for our kinetic or solar weapons. This normally would last for 25 seconds if you don’t use any abilities. But if you can keep up Conduction Tines, you can theoretically have this super last for 136 seconds. That means you can be in a super getting all of these benefits for more than 2 minutes.
And while it’s not probable to have 100% uptime on Conduction Tines, it is probable to have it some of the time. You might wonder how we can activate it since we no longer will have an arc ability, and that’s where a voltshot weapon comes in. Now you can gain stacks by getting those jolt kills from your weapon. The whole time staying unkillable, giving your team ability regen and DR, and even having that 25% weapon damage.
Well use any and every way to get arc ability kills and jolt kills. We bring a lightning grenade and Lightning Surge so that we can slide to use our our melee and jolt targets. Since this gives us increased ability regen rate, you want to consistently use your abilities and any down time kill with your voltshot weapon.
Pop your super whenever you get it back since you will be getting it back at over a 500% increased rate plus creating a ton of orbs. Once your super finishes feel free to pop your transcendence whenever you get into trouble.
and make sure to use your strand weapon or melee here and there to gain more darkness transcendence energy.

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