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Destiny 2 Titan BuildDay 1 Prismatic Titan Build (Thunder + Stasis Nukes)

Easy to Play
High Survivability
Updated on Jun 11, 2024
gear and mods
Point-Contact Cannon BraceExotic Gauntlets

Defeating targets with your Thunderclap melee restores melee energy. Targets near you when you use your Thunderclap suffer lightning strikes and become jolted; being amplified increases the damage of these lightning strikes.

class item
artifact perks

Build Details

How It Works

Welcome to MrRonit's Day One Prismatic Titan build that you can equip pretty much straight after mission one in the campaign. Here we combine the power of point contact brace thunderclap with diamond lance to create the perfect gameplay loop.

Knockout got buffed in Final Shape to provide more damage now even gives you a chunk of health based on the enemy type killed. Knockout also gives you amplified on melee kills. We also get a tonne of damage reduction with the build so you'll be super tanky. With facet of purpose any orb you pick up will give you woven mail which is 40% DR and then we also have galvanic armour whereby when you're amplified, which you're constantly going to be, you'll have additional DR. Facet of protection adds even more DR as if we needed any more.

  1. Hold melee to unleash a nuke which now chains lightning to nearby enemies
  2. Any ability kill will now spawn a diamond lance
  3. Throw diamond lance onto next pack of enemies which will now be frozen and safe to use your next thunderclap on! Facet of Ruin will improve shatter damage so this combo will be very devastating.

Any time you're low health use your thruster, and you'll immediately have a quick health bump thanks to powerful attraction hoovering nearby orbs and triggering recuperation.

My favourite weapon to use with this build is the arc sidearm indebted kindness. Indebted can roll with voltshot, and with the chain lightning from point contact you're going to be annihilating the battlefield with lightning everywhere!

Video Guide
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