Destiny 2 Titan BuildShocking DPS

Final blows with this weapon generate stunning lighting strikes from above. Lightning strikes grant a stack of Bolt Charge. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions.

Greatly increases your Thundercrash damage and grants you damage resistance after impact. Melee final blows while amplified grant you Super energy.

Boss Damage
Crazy Fun
Survivability (not really tho)
Build Details
This build is currently one of the strongest in the game for boss DPS. This is due to the brand-new aspect storm's keep granting you bolt charge very quickly.
With storm's keep, placing your barricade will grant you a small amount of bolt charge stacks. While behind it, you will also be granted them passively. Once you reach 10 bolt charge stacks, you will discharge them on whatever you are currently shooting. The damage from this is very strong, and you can keep doing it over and over if you are behind your barricade. Make sure to run rally barricade for the best benefits.
You can pair this with any weapon, but fun options are things like Thunderlord or Cloudstrike because they will also grant bolt charge stacks. However, running your typical Queenbreaker setup will be fine. For extra damage, you can also run Thundercrash with Cuirass Of The Falling Star. This is such a great pairing with the rest of our subclass, and more damage is always great.
With Cuirass, every melee kill, while amplified, will grant super energy. You can then pair this with the knockout aspect to heal on every melee kill and do more damage with it. This is great for adding extra survivability and granting extra supers for damage.
The rest of the build is focused on bolt charge, jolt, and ionic traces. With your fragments, arc weapon kills, jolt kills, and bolt charge kills can make ionic traces. These will grant you energy for all of your abilities and bolt charge stacks. Running a weapon with voltshot or jolting feedback amplifies this even more and is something you should do.
Finally, you want to be amplified all the time with this build to provide extra benefits. To get amplified, get multi-kills with your arc weapon or simply get a melee kill, which ties all the way back to Cuirass.
Feel free to swap to Heart Of Inmost Light or An Insurmountable Skullfort for neutral play when no bosses are around!
- Use your class ability to build up bolt charge stacks.
- Shoot at enemies to discharge stacks.
- Get kills with your melee to build super energy.
- Get arc debuff kills to make ionic traces.
- Keep spamming abilities to have permanent uptime of the build.
- Use thundercrash and your class ability to do massive boss damage.

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