Destiny 2 Hunter BuildBeginner Orpheus Rig Build

Second shot of a burst rips a hole through space-time, doing high damage and recoil with no falloff.

Provides ability energy for each target tethered by Deadfall anchors. Moebius Quiver has an additional shot.

Build Details
As we’ve mentioned, the goal for both of these builds are to gain back your super as quickly as possible. With Orpheus providing us up to 50% we only need to account for the other 50%.
To do this, the first thing we do is bring the fragment Echo of reprisal, now kills we get while surrounded will give us more super energy.
The next piece of the puzzle is actually a combination of mods and our abilities. We bring gamblers dodge so that we can dodge near enemies to gain back our smoke bomb that can weaken enemies. Our smoke bombs are huge for our survival so this helps get them back at a rapid rate. Since we want to dodge near enemies with Gamblers dodge, we then bring 2 Dynamo mods on the helmet and 1 distribution mod on the class item. Now each dodge near enemies will give back 6% of our super, and some extra ability energy.
We then pair all of that with the Aspect Vanishing step so that when we dodge we become invisible or extend our invisibility. I then also like to bring Trappers ambush so that we can activate quickfall and slam back into the ground weakening any nearby enemies and making us and any nearby allies invisible. This is huge in team content to be able to make you and your team invisible in case you want to skip through a tough section.
While invisibility is strong, want to bring a few more fragments to gain a bit more survivability. With Echo of Vigilance, if we get a kill while at critical health, we instantly gain a void overshield. And remember that this season Overshields got a buff and now provide 70% Damage Resistance. Then we bring echo of starvation so that picking up an orb will give us devour. While devour is active, kills will heal you and give you some grenade energy.
You want to remember to use your tether often, mainly when there is a large group of enemies to gain back 50% energy. Then while your super is active, make your way towards the anchor to try and stay surrounded and proc Echo of Reprisal to gain even more super energy. You can use your melee to go invisible if you get into a sticky situation, and when you melee is on cooldown, dodge near enemies to get it back and a bump of energy for your super.

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