Burst Fire +12% Fire Rate +50% Slide Distance +70 Health +20% Movement Slow Resistance Passive (8.5s): Briefly gain Fire Rate and Move Speed when one of your bullets hits an enemy hero. +30% Fire Rate (Conditional) +2 m/s Move Speed (Conditional) 4s Duration
| Escalating Resilience | Headhunter Components: Headshot Booster +5% Fire Rate +15% Weapon Damage +150 Bullet Shield Health Passive (6s): Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed. +130 Head Shot Bonus Damage +7% Heal per Headshot +2 m/s Move Speed Conditional 3s Move Speed Duration
| Hunter's Aura +150 Bonus Health Passive: Reduce nearby enemies' Bullet Resist and Fire Rate. If there is only one enemy hero nearby, this effect is tripled. -9% Bullet Resist (Conditional) 9% Fire Rate Slow (Conditional) 15m Radius
Intensifying Magazine | Point Blank Components: Close Quarters +15% Bullet Resist +1 Stamina Passive: When in close range to your target, gain Weapon Damage and your bullets apply a Movement Slow. +45% Weapon Damage (Conditional) 25% Movement Slow (Conditional) 2s Slow Duration 15m Close Range
| Pristine Emblem Components: High-Velocity Mag +25% Weapon Damage +12 Spirit Power +12% Spirit Resist +25% Weapon Damage Passive: Your attacks have additional Weapon Damage against enemies above 50% health. +25% Weapon Damage (Conditional)
| Sharpshooter Components: +20% Ammo +15% Weapon Fall-off Range 35% Weapon Zoom +200 Bullet Shield Health +20% Weapon Damage Passive: Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond minimum distance from your target. +50% Weapon Damage 15m Min. Distance
Tesla Bullets | Titanic Magazine | Toxic Bullets Passive: Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies causing them to lose a percentage of their current health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target. 5%/sec Bleed Damage -50% Healing Reduction (Conditional) 3s Duration 0.8% Buildup Per Shot
| Alchemical Fire (ACTIVE) +225 Bullet Shield Health +14% Weapon Damage +11 Spirit Power +1m/s Sprint Speed Active (28s): Throw a flash that explodes on contact, creating an area that does increasing Spirit Damage per second and causes enemies to recieve additional Weapon Damage from your team. Deals 40% less DPS vs non-heroes 55 DPS +50% Weapon Damage (Conditional) 95 Max DPS 10 Radius 5s Duration
Heroic Aura (ACTIVE) +18% Bullet Lifesteal +150 Bonus Health +1 m/s Move Speed Passive: Provide Fire Rate to nearby player minions. +40% Minions Fire Rate (Conditional) 20m Radius Active: Provides bonus Movement Speed and Fire Rate to you and nearby allies +2 m/s Movement Speed (Conditional) +20% Fire Rate (Conditional) 30m Active Radius 6s Duration
| Warp Stone (ACTIVE) | Spellslinger Headshots Components: Soul Shredder Bullets +8% Spirit Amp Proc +18% Spirit Lifesteal Proc +12% Weapon Damage Passive (1.5s): Landing a headshot on an enemy hero increases your total Spirit Power 3% Spirit Power (Conditional) 12s Buff Duration 12 Max Stacks
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