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DeadlockDeadlock Vyper Guide and Overview

In this Deadlock Vyper guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of her abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.


From the official Deadlock Steam page:

Did you know that when you slide your gun has infinite ammo? Vyper does. That’s why you’ll find her sliding around the battlefield spraying lead and poison.

In-game description:

With a powerful weapon (and deadly venom to match), Vyper can slither into the back of teams and assassinate high-priority targets in a storm of bullets.

Deadlock Vyper Abilities

Underlined = Scales with Spirit.

Screwjab Dagger (1)

screwjab dagger

Throw a dagger, dealing Spirit Damage and applying a Fading Slow.

10s Cooldown

50% Movement Slow

50 Damage

1s Slow Duration

Screwjab Dagger Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-4s Cooldown

+50 Damage

+1s Slow Duration and remove 1 Stamina

  • Check back soon for tips and tricks!

Lethal Venom (2)

lethal venom

DInject a target with lethal venom. After a delay the venom triggers, dealing Spirit Damage. The damage is increased by the target's missing health. Reapplying Venom refreshes the duration. Venom breaks Petrify before detonating.

15m Range

26s Cooldown

20 Minimum Venom Damage, 180 Max Venom Damage

25% Health for Max Damage, 3s Venom Buildup Duration

Lethal Venom Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+40 Max Venom Damage

-60% Healing Reduction

Bullets also build up Lethal Venom

  • Check back soon for tips and tricks!

Slither (3)


You have increased Slide Distance, can Slide up hills, and can turn faster while Sliding.

+10% Slide Distance

Slither Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+25% Slide Distance

+2 Stamina

+25% Spirit and Bullet Resit while Sliding

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Petrifying Bola (4)

petrifying bola

Throw an explosive bola. On exploding, the bola Slows and Damages all enemies in the area. Direct hits deal additional Damage and Petrify instead. Petrified units block all damage, but cannot take actions. Petrified units break free after blocking enough damage.

6m Splash Radius, 100s Cooldown

Petrify, 2s Petrify Duration

50 Damage, 180 Petrify Damage

200 Petrify Damage Block, 50% Movement Slow, 1.5s Slow Duration

Petrifying Bola Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+60 Petrify Damage

-30s Cooldown

+1s Petrify Duration. Petrifies all enemies in the area.

  • Check back soon for tips and tricks!

Vyper Weapon Stats



Bullet Damage




Bullets per Second


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Vyper Vitality Stats

Max Health


Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

7.0 m/s

Sprint Speed

0.5 m/s



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