
DeadlockAll Deadlock Vitality Items

Deadlock's Vitality Items includes all Items that make you tankier, such as resistances, health bonuses, and much more.

500 Cost (+11% Base Health)

Enduring Spirit

  • +11% Base Health

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal

  • +4 Spirit Power

Extra Health

  • +160 Bonus Health

  • +5% Weapon Damage

Extra Regen

  • +2.8 Health Regen

  • +8% Ammo

  • +25 Bonus Health

Extra Stamina

  • +1 Stamina

  • +10% Stamina Recovery

  • +7% Fire Rate

  • Superior Stamina Component

Melee Lifesteal

  • +13% Melee Damage

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • Passive (7s): Your melee attacks heal you for 20% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 90. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.

  • Lifestrike Component

Sprint Boots

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed

  • +1 Health Regen

  • +4% Weapon Damage

  • Enduring Speed Component

Healing Rite

  • +45 Bonus Health

  • +3 Spirit Power

  • Active (64s): Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast.

  • 370 Total Health Regen

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed

  • 17s Regen Duration

  • 30m Cast Range

  • Health Nova Component

1,250+ Cost (+14% Base Health)

Bullet Armor

  • +20% Bullet Resist

  • +6% Weapon Damage

  • Improved Bullet Armor Component

Bullet Lifesteal

  • +28% Bullet Lifesteal

  • +75 Bonus Health

Combat Barrier

  • +300 Bullet Shield Health

  • Passive: When you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate.

  • +28% Weapon Damage While Shielded.

  • +8% Fire Rate While Shielded.

Debuff Reducer

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • +6% Weapon Damage

    Passive: Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you.

  • 30% Debuff Resist

  • Debuff Remover Component

  • Debuff Remover Component

Enchanter's Barrier

  • +300 Spirit Shield Health

  • Passive: While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power and Cooldown Reduction.

  • +20 Spirit Power While Shielded

  • +8% Cooldown Reduction While Shielded

Enduring Speed

  • +1.4m/s Move Speed

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • +1.5 Health Regen

  • Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow

  • +40% Movement Slow Resist


  • +75 Bonus Health

  • Passive: Your Spirit Damage applies Healing Reduction. If an enemy hero dies under this effect, you receive a large heal.

  • 40% Healing Reduction

  • (Conditional)

  • 350 Heal on Hero Kill

  • 6s Duration

Healing Booster

  • +6% Spirit Resist

  • +2 Health Regen

  • Passive: Increases the effectiveness of your Healing and increases your resistance to healing reduction.

  • +25% Healing Effectiveness

  • +15% Heal Reduction Resistance

Reactive Barrier

  • +15% Ammo

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • +2 Health Regen

  • Passive (30s): Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when you are movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept.

  • 400 Bullet Shield Health

  • (Conditional) 200 Spirit Shield Health

  • (Conditional) 9s Duration

Spirit Armor

  • +20% Spirit Resist

  • +5 Spirit Power

  • Improved Spirit Armor Component

Spirit Lifesteal

  • +23% Spirit Lifesteal

  • +75 Bonus Health

Divine Barrier

  • +1m/s Sprint Speed

  • +75 Health

  • +8% Ability Range

  • Active (30s): Provide the target with Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Movement Speed. Can be self-cast.

  • 260 Bullet Shield

  • 260 Spirit Shield

  • +2m/s Move Speed

  • 5s Duration

  • 35m Cast Range

Health Nova

  • Component: Healing Rite

  • +10% Weapon Damage

  • +100 Bonus Health

  • +4 Spirit Power

  • Active (64s): Heal yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional 20% per ally.

  • 260 Total HP Regen

  • 2s Regen Duration

  • 15m Radius

Restorative Locket

  • +8% Spirit Resist

  • +5 Spirit Power

  • Passive: When an enemy uses an ability within 50m range from you, store one Restoration Stack.

  • Active (28s): Consume all stacks to heal target ally. If used at the max stacks it replenishes a stamina point on the target. Can be self-cast.

Return Fire

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • +7 Spirit Power

  • +7% Fire Rate

  • Active (24s): Automatically fire a bullet towards any attacker who damages you with their abilities or weapon.

  • 70% Bullet Damage Returned

  • 30% Spirit Damage Returned

  • 7s Duration

3,000+ Cost (+17% Base Health)


  • +275 Bonus Health

  • Passive: After not taking damage for 11s, gain 4% Max Health Regen.

  • Passive: When you are above 75% health, you have bonus Weapon Damage and Movement Speed.

  • +25% Weapon Damage (Con.)

  • +2m/s Move speed (Con.)

Improved Bullet Armor

  • Component: Bullet Armor

  • +45% Bullet Resist

  • +10% Weapon Damage

Improved Spirit Armor

  • Component: Spirit Armor

  • +45% Spirit Resist

  • +8 Spirit Power


  • +35% Melee Damage

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • +8% Bullet Resist

  • Passive (5.2s): Your Melee Attack applies Movement Slow and heals you for 55% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 110. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.

  • 60% Movement Slow

  • (Conditional) 2.5s Slow Duration.

  • Components: Melee Lifesteal

Superior Stamina

  • +3 Stamina

  • +20% Stamina Recovery

  • +30% Air Jump/Dash Distance

  • +7% Fire Rate

  • +8 Spirit Power

  • Passive: Increases the number of Air Dashes and Air Jumps that can be performed before landing from 1 to 2.

  • Components: Extra Stamina

Veil Walker

  • +200 Bullet Shield Health

  • +200 Spirit Shield Health

  • +12% Ammo

  • +10% Weapon Damage

  • Passive (17s): Walking through a cosmic veil grants you Stealth, increased Movement Speed, restores all Bullet and Spirit Shields, and grants bonus Fire Rate for your next magazine.

  • Invisible

  • (Status Effect) 3m/s Invis Move Speed

  • (Conditional) +30% Fire Rate

  • (Conditional) 5s Invisibility Duration

Debuff Remover

  • Component: Debuff Reducer

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • +20% Weapon Damage

  • Passive: Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you.

  • 35% Debuff Resist

  • Active (45s): Purge all negative effects currently applied to you. If any effects were removed, gain a movement speed bonus.

  • Cannot be used while Stunned or Slept.

  • +3m/s Movement Speed

  • 3s Duration

Majestic Leap

  • +10 Spirit Power

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • Active (23s): Launch yourself high into the air. While in the air, you can use the active again to drop down faster.

  • Cannot be used for 5s if attacked by enemy Hero.

Metal Skin

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • +8 Spirit Power

  • +8% Fire Rate

  • Active (21s): Become immune to bullets and melee attacks.

  • 3.5s Duration

Rescue Beam

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed

  • +9 Spirit Power

  • Active (26s): Heals a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of Max Health. Once while healing, you can Pull the target towards you. Can be self-cast.

  • 26% Heal Amount

  • 2.5s Channel Duration

  • 36m Cast Range

6,200+ Cost ( +20% Base Health)


  • +25% Weapon Damage

  • +175 Bonus Health

  • Passive: Your bullets apply Movement Slow and reduce the target's outgoing damage on hit.

  • 25% Movement Slow (Conditional)

  • -35% Damage Penalty (Conditional)

  • 2.5s Debuff Duration


  • +35% Spirit Lifesteal

  • +35% Bullet Lifesteal

  • +175 Bonus Health

  • +12 Spirit Power

  • +15% Weapon Damage

Soul Rebirth

  • +15% Cooldown Reduction

  • +12 Spirit

  • Passive (212s): If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health.

  • +50% Rebirth Health


  • +600 Bonus Health

  • +20% Melee Damage

  • +20% Weapon Damage

  • Active (37s): Gain Bullet and Spirit Resist, and slow the movement and dash speed of enemies nearby. Your model size grows by 20%.

  • +40% Bullet Resist (Conditional)

  • +40% Spirit Resist (Conditional)

  • 35% Movement Slow (Conditional)

  • 12m Radius

  • 7s Duration

Phantom Strike

  • +15% Bullet Resist

  • +30% Weapon Damage

  • Active (25s): Teleport to an enemy target, applying Disarm, Slow, and dealing damage.

  • 3s Disarm & Slow Duration

  • 50% Movement Slow (Conditional)

  • 75 Damage

  • 25m Cast Range

Shadow Weave

  • +15 Health Regen

  • +300 Spirit Shield Health

  • +30% Ammo

  • Active (45s): Become Stealthed. Whenever you take damage while Stealthed you get briefly revealed.

  • Attacking or using an ability will end your stealth and start an ambush, temporarily granting you bonus Fire Rate and Spirit Power

  • Invisible Status Effect

  • 25s Stealth Duration

  • +2m/s Invis Sprint Speed

  • 18m Spot Radius

  • +40% Ambush Fire Rate (Conditional)

  • +55 Ambush Spirit Power (Conditional)

  • 8s Ambush Duration


  • +150 Bonus Health

  • +15% Spirit Resist

  • +1m/s Move Speed

  • +12 Spirit Power

  • Active (60s): Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm.

  • 6s Duration