Bullet Armor | Bullet Lifesteal +26% Bullet Lifesteal +75 Bonus Health
| Combat Barrier +325 Bullet Shield Health Passive: When you have a Bullet Shield, gain Weapon Damage and Fire Rate. +22% Weapon Damage While Shielded. +7% Fire Rate While Shielded.
| Debuff Reducer |
Enchanter's Barrier +300 Spirit Shield Health Passive: While you have a Spirit Shield, gain bonus Spirit Power and Cooldown Reduction. +20 Spirit Power While Shielded +6% Cooldown Reduction While Shielded
| Enduring Speed | Healbane | Healing Booster +6% Spirit Resist +2 Health Regen Passive: Increases the effectiveness of your Healing and increases your resistance to healing reduction. +25% Healing Effectiveness +15% Heal Reduction Resistance
Reactive Barrier +20% Ammo +75 Bonus Health +2 Health Regen Passive (30s): Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when you are movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept. 350Bullet Shield Health (Conditional) 200 Spirit Shield Health (Conditional) 9s Duration
| Spirit Armor | Spirit Lifesteal +22% Spirit Lifesteal +75 Bonus Health
| Divine Barrier |
Health Nova | Restorative Locket +10% Spirit Resist +25% Melee Resist +1m/s Sprint Speed Passive: When an enemy uses an ability within 50m range from you, store one Restoration Stack. Active (25s): Consume all stacks to heal target ally. If used at the max stacks it replenishes a stamina point on the target. Can be self-cast. +32 Heal per Stack 15 Max Stacks
| Return Fire +125 Bonus Health +3 HP regen +10 Ammo Active (30s): Automatically fire a bullet towards any attacker who damages you with their abilities or weapon. 60% Bullet Damage Returned 30% Spirit Damage Returned +20% Bullet Resist 6s Duration REQUIRES Extra Regen
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