Improved Burst Component: Mystic Burst +100 Spirit Shield Health +8% Weapon Damage Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 175 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it. +8% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional)
| Improved Reach | Improved Spirit | Mystic Slow |
Rapid Recharge | Superior Cooldown +32% Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction +24% Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction +150 Spirit Shield Health +4 Health Regen +15% Ammo Component: Improved Cooldown
| Superior Duration Component: Duration Extender Increases the duration of your abilities and items. +33% Imbued Ability Duration +27% Non-Imbued Ability Duration +175 Bonus Health +15% Weapon Damage +4 Health Regen
| Surge of Power +75 Bonus Health Passive (10.5s): Imbue an ability with permanent Spirit Power. When that ability is used, gain bonus Movement Speed. +34 Imbued Ability Spirit Power +15% Fire Rate Bonus (Conditional) +2m/s Move Speed 6s Move Speed duration
Torment Pulse | Ethereal Shift +6 Spirit Power Active (32s): You enter a void state and become untargetable and invincible for a short duration, during which you cannot move or perform any actions. Afterwards you instantly reload and gain bonus Spirit Power. 3.5s Duration 40% Spirit Resist +3 m/s Movement Speed 5s Buff Duration +20 Spirit Power
| Knockdown +1 Stamina +200 Spirit Shield Health +6 Spirit Power Active (40s): Target is knocked down and Stunned after a 2s delay, interrupting and temporarily preventing them from taking any action. 0.75s Stun Duration 45m Cast Range
| Silence Glyph +150 Spirit Shield Health +1 m/s Sprint Speed Active (34s): Fires a projectile which silences and damages the target. Silence does not interrupt channeling abilities. 25m Cast Range 3s Duration 100 + (1.00 * SpiritPower) Spirit Damage
Spirit Snatch +15% Melee Damage 125 Bonus Health 8% Spirit Resist +1m/s Sprint Speed Passive (6s): When you perform a Light or Heavy Melee attack against a hero, deal extra spirit damage and steal Spirit Resist and Spirit Power. 55 Spirit Damage 12 Spirit Resist Steal (conditional) 26 Spirit Power Steal (conditional) 16s Duration
| Arcane Surge Components: Kinetic Dash +1 Stamina +100 Bonus Health +15% Movement Slow Resist Passive (10.5s): Your next Dash-Jump does not cost an extra stamina and the next ability you use will have bonus Range, Duration and Spirit Power. Additionally, you gain Fire Rate and bonus Ammo until your next reload. Lasts up to 7s. +18% Ability Range (conditional) +18% Ability Duration (conditional) +18 Spirit Power (conditional) +20% Fire Rate +5 Temporary Ammo 7s Duration
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