
DeadlockAll Deadlock Spirit Items

Deadlock's Spirit Items includes all Items that improve, augment, and upgrade your abilities.

500 Cost (+4% Spirit Power)

Ammo Scavenger

  • +15% Ammo

  • +60 Bonus Health

  • Passive: Any time you secure or deny a Soul you get ammo back and gain stacking Spirit Power.

  • 2 Ammo Per Soul

  • 2 Spirit Power Per Soul

  • 35s Spirit Power Duration

  • 12 Max Stacks

Extra Charge

  • +1 Bonus Ability Charges

  • +10% Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities.

  • +6% Weapon Damage

  • Rapid Recharge Component

Extra Spirit

  • +9 Spirit Power

  • +1 Health Regen

  • +35 Bonus Health

  • Improved Spirit Component

Mystic Burst

  • +40 Spirit Shield Health

  • +6% Weapon Damage

  • Passive (6.2s): Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit.

  • 35 Bonus Damage

  • Improved Burst Component

Mystic Reach

  • Increases the range and effect radius of your abilities and items.

  • +16% Ability Range

  • +6% Spirit Resist

  • Improved Reach Component

Spirit Strike

  • +12% Melee Damage

  • +80 Spirit Shield Health

  • +0.8 Health Regen

  • Passive (8.5s): When you perform a Light or Heavy Melee attack against a hero, deal extra Spirit Damage with the attack and reduce the target's Spirit Resist.

  • 50 Spirit Damage

  • -12% Spirit Resist Conditional

  • 11s Duration


  • +50 Bonus Health

  • +10% Ammo

  • Active (37s): Gain Spirit Power and Spirit Lifesteal.

  • +16 Spirit Power

  • +20% Spirit Lifesteal

  • 6s Duration

1,250+ Cost (+8 Spirit Power)

Bullet Resist Shredder

  • +100 Bonus Health

  • +5% Bullet Resist

  • Passive: Reduces Bullet Resist on enemies when you deal Spirit Damage.

  • -12% Bullet Resist

  • 8s Duration

Duration Extender

  • Increases the Duration of your abilities and items.

  • +16% Ability Duration

  • +100 Bonus Health

  • +1.75 Health Regen

  • Superior Duration Component

Improved Cooldown

  • Reduces the Cooldown of your abilities and items.

  • 16% Cooldown Reduction

  • +1.5 Health Regen

  • Superior Cooldown Component

Mystic Vulnerability

  • +6% Spirit Resist

  • Passive: When the target takes Spirit Damage, they have their Spirit Resist reduced.

  • -12% Spirit Resist

  • 6s Duration

  • Escalating Exposure Component

Quicksilver Reload

  • Passive: Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.

  • 65 Spirit Damage

  • 15% Fire Rate Bonus

  • 12s Max Frequency


  • +50 Bonus Health

  • +2.5 Health Regen

  • +4 Spirit Power

  • Passive: When you deal Spirit Damage to enemies, you also apply Fire Rate Slow.

  • -25% Fire Rate Slow

  • 2s Duration

  • Mystic Slow Component

Cold Front

  • +10% Spirit Resist

  • Active (34s): Release an expanding ice blast that deals Spirit Damage and Slows targets it hits.

  • 75 + (1.5 * Spirit Power) Spirit Damage

  • 40% Movement Slow

  • 14m End Radius

  • 3s Duration


  • +7 Spirit Power

  • Active (32s):

  • Reduces healing received of targeted enemy and inflicts damage over time of their current health. Decay's damage is non-lethal.

  • -50% Healing Reduction

  • 3.1%/sec Bleed Damage

  • 15m + (0.20 * SpiritPower) Cast Range

  • 10s Duration

Slowing Hex

  • +1m/s Sprint Speed

  • +5 Spirit Power

  • Active (26s): Deals Spirit Damage and Slows targets movement and dashes. Also Silences their movement-based items and abilities. Does not affect target's stamina usage.

  • 70 + (0.59 * Spirit Power) Spirit Damage

  • 30% Movement Slow

  • 25m Cast Range

  • 3s Duration

Withering Whip

  • +8% Fire Rate

  • +4 Spirit Power

  • +50 Bonus Health

  • Active (26s): Target an enemy to apply Fire Rate Slow and reduce their Bullet Resist.

  • 4.5s Duration

  • -40% Fire Rate Slow

  • -14% Bullet Resist

  • 24m Cast Range

3000+ Cost (+12 Spirit Power)

Improved Burst

  • Component: Mystic Burst

  • +100 Spirit Shield Health

    +8% Weapon Damage

  • Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it.

  • +9% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional)

Improved Reach

  • Component: Mystic Reach

  • +35% Imbued Ability Ability Range

  • +25% Non-Imbued Ability Ability Range

  • +10% Spirit Resist

  • +8 Spirit Power

Improved Spirit

  • Component: Extra Spirit

  • +21 Spirit Power

  • +2 Health regen

  • +1m/s Sprint speed

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • Boundless Spirit Component

Mystic Slow

  • Component: Suppressor

  • +100 Bonus Health

  • +3 Health Regen

  • +6 Spirit Power

  • Passive: If a target takes Spirit damage, they have their Movement Speed and Fire Rate reduced.

  • +30% Movement Slow

  • +40% Fire Rate Slow

  • 2s Duration

Rapid Recharge

  • Component: Extra Charge

  • +2 Bonus Ability Charges

  • +55% Faster Time Between Charges

  • +25% Charged Ability Cooldown Reduction

  • +12% Weapon Damage

Superior Cooldown

  • +32% Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction

  • +24% Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction

  • +4 Health Regen

Superior Duration

  • Component: Duration Extender

  • Increases the duration of your abilities and items.

  • +32% Imbued Ability Duration

  • +26% Non-Imbued Ability Duration

  • +175 Bonus Health

  • +15% Weapon Damage

  • +4 Health Regen

Surge of Power

  • +75 Bonus Health

  • Passive (10.5s): Imbue an ability with permanent Spirit Power. When that ability is used, gain bonus Movement Speed.

  • +34 Imbued Ability Spirit Power

  • +10% Fire Rate Bonus (Conditional)

  • +3m/s Move Speed

  • 6s Move Speed duration

Torment Pulse

  • +140 Bonus Health

  • +6 Spirit Power

  • Passive (1.8s): Periodically deals Spirit Damage to the 2 closest enemies nearby.

    40 + (0.24 * Spirit Power) Spirit Damage

  • 9m Pulse Radius

Ethereal Shift

  • Active (32s): You enter a void state and become untargetable and invincible for a short duration, during which you cannot move or perform any actions.

    Afterwards you instantly reload and gain bonus Spirit Power.

  • 3.5s Duration

  • +14 Bonus Spirit Power

  • 10s Bonus Spirit Duration


  • +1 Stamina

  • +200 Spirit Shield Health

  • +6 Spirit Power

  • Active (48s):

  • Target is knocked down and Stunned after a 2s delay, interrupting and temporarily preventing them from taking any action.

  • 0.9s Stun Duration

  • 45m Cast Range

Silence Glyph

  • +150 Spirit Shield Health

  • +1 m/s Sprint Speed

  • Active (32s):

  • Fires a projectile which silences and damages the target. Silence does not interrupt channeling abilities.

  • 25m Cast Range

  • 3s Duration

  • 100 + (1.00 * SpiritPower) Spirit Damage

6,200+ Cost (+16% Spirit Power)

Boundless Spirit

  • Component: Improved Spirit

  • +60 Spirit Power

  • +25% Weapon Damage

  • +300 bonus health

  • +15 Health Regen

  • +3m/s Sprint Speed

Diviner's Kevlar

  • +20% Spirit Lifesteal

  • +12% Cooldown Reduction

  • Passive (64s): Upon casting an ultimate ability gain temporary Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Spirit Power.

  • 700 Bullet Shield

  • 700 Spirit Shield

  • +40 Spirit Power

  • 15s Duration

Escalating Exposure

  • Component: Mystic Vulnerability

  • +15% Spirit Resist

  • +125 Bonus Health

  • -15% Spirit Resist on Spirit Damage

  • Passive: Dealing Spirit Damage applies a stacking Spirit Amp that increases your Spirit Damage to the target.

  • +6% Spirit Amp per Stack

  • 15s Duration

  • 0.7s Max Frequency per Target

Mystic Reverb

  • +15% Spirit Lifesteal

  • +15% Spirit Resist

  • +15% Ability Range

  • Passive (6.2s): Cooldown

    Imbue an ability to apply slow in a radius around the target and deal an additional percentage of the damage dealt to enemies around the target after a short delay.

  • 40% Damage (Conditional)

  • +50% Movement Slow (Conditional)

  • 16m Radius

  • 3s Delay Duration


  • +20% Weapon Damage

  • +8 Spirit Power

  • Active (53s): Curses an enemy - interrupting, Siliencing, Disarming, and preventing item usage.

  • 3.25s Status Duration

  • 20m Cast Range

Echo Shard

  • +1m/s Move Speed

  • +16% Bullet Resist

  • +12 Spirit Power

  • Active (21s):

  • Reset the cooldown of your most recently used non-ultimate ability.

Magic Carpet

  • +10% Ability Duration

  • +15 Spirit Power

  • +150 Bonus Health

  • Active (32s): Summon a Magic Carpet that will fly you away and gain Bullet and Spirit Shields. Cannot use abilities while the carpet is being summoned. While flying you are immune to slows and doing any action will dismiss the carpet.

  • +400 Bullet & Spirit Shield Health

  • 7.7s Duration

  • 1.3s Summon Duration

  • +6m/s Bonus Fly Speed

  • 17.6s Shield Duration


  • +16% Spirit Resist

  • +8% Bullet Resist

  • Active (212s): Reset the cooldown of all your abilities and restore all your charges