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DeadlockDeadlock Sinclar Guide and Overview

In this Deadlock Sinclair guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of their abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.

Deadlock Sinclair Overview

From the official Deadlock Steam page:

Mystify your rivals with combat tricks so vexing that they won't believe their eyes! Summon a spectral assistant, polymorph foes into rabbits, and turn the enemies own abilities against them! Impossible? Not for THE MAGNIFICENT SINCLAIR...

In-game description:

With the help of their unwilling assistant, THE MAGNIFICENT SINCLAIR can confuse enemies with curving hexes and rapid bolts.

Deadlock Sinclair Abilities

Underlined = Scales with Spirit

Vexing Bolt (1)

vexing bolt

Fire a bolt of magic that deals Damage and applies a Fire Rate Slow. If you have an Assistant, they also cast Vexing Bolt at reduced damage.

Press [1] to redirect the bolt towards your crosshairs.

Range 500m, 3m splash radius

1 Charges, 3s Cooldown Between Charges

15s Cooldown

110 Damage, 80 Assistant Damage

+15% Fire Rate Slow Fire Rate Slow, 5s Debuiff Duration, 1 Max Redirects

Vexing Bolt Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-4s Cooldown

-10% Spirit Resist

+110 Damage. Your assistant casts Vexing Bolt without reductions.

Tips for Vexing Bolt

  • Coming soon!

Spectral Assistant (2)

spectral assistant

Summon an Assistant at the targeted location. The Assistant attacks wherever you fire your weapon, dealing Damage.

While the assistant is out, you can press [2] to swap positions with your Assistant.

Casting Spectral Assistant also reloads your weapon.

5s Charges

15.0m Range

40s Cooldown

30 Damage

1 Max Swap, 6s Duration

20m Max Leash Radius

Spectral Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-10s Cooldown

+5s Duration & 5m Range

+45% Fire Rate and + 15 Assistant Damage

Tips for Spectral Assistant

  • Coming soon!

Rabbit Hex (3)

rabbit hex

Hex a target, transforming them into a Rabbit for a limited duration.

Rabbits are small and move faster, but take increased Damage and are unable to perform most actions.

Hex does not interrupt abilities and cannot be applied to Unstoppable.

20m Range

45s Cooldown

2s Duration , 25% Damage Amp

35% Move Speed bonus

Rabbit Hex Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-10s Cooldown

+1s Duration

Hex all enemies within 6m

Tips for Rabbit Hex

  • Coming soon!

Audience Participation (4)

audience participation

Copy the Ultimate of an enemy hero for a limited time. Reactivating the ability will use the Copied Ultimate instead. Copies will inherit this ability's upgraded points. Copies will no gain benefits from imbue. Audience Participation will also copy the cooldown.

10m Range, 90s Cooldown

10s Copy Duration

100% Copied Cooldown

Audience Participation Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

Upgrade the Copy.

Upgrade the copy AGAIN!

Upgrade the Copy ONCE AGAIN!

Tips for Audience Participation

  • Coming soon!

Weapon Stats



Bullet Damage




Bullets per Second


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Vitality Stats

Max Health


Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

7.3 m/s

Sprint Speed

0.5 m/s



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