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DeadlockDeadlock Mirage Guide and Overview

In this Deadlock Mirage guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.


"Times his shots and catches fleeing targets"

Mirage can envelop himself in a violent tornado to catch up to enemies and lift them up. His scarabs help him sustain against multiple enemies, and he's always ready to help an ally or punish an enemy anywhere.

Deadlock Mirage Abilities

Underlined = Scales with Spirit.

Tornado (1)

tornado mirage ability

Transform yourself into a tornado that travels forward, damaging enemies and lifting them up in the air. After emerging from the tornado, you gain bullet evasion.

0.75s Duration

32s Cooldown

70 Damage

1.1 Lift Duration

25% Bullet Evasion Chance

3.5m Bullet Evasion Duration

3.5m Radius

Tornado Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+0.4s Lift Duration

-14s Cooldown

+20% Bullet Evasion Chance

  • After Tornado lands you should have enough time to turn around and melee attack.

Fire Scarabs (2)

fire scarabs mirage ability

Start launching fire scarabs. Each scarab can be launched separately, stealing max health from enemies and applying bullet resist reduction. Cannot apply multiple scarabs to the same enemy. The health gain from hitting heroes is 3x as effective against non-heroes.

4 Charges

0s Cooldown Between Charges

90 Max Health Steal

-10% Bullet Resist

5s Launch Window

14s Debuff Duration

32s Cooldown

25% Heal vs Non-Heroes

Shoulder Charge Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-15s Cooldown

-15% Bullet Resist

+70 Max Health Steal

  • Get the most from this ability by prioritizing tanky enemies. Your likely targets will be heroes like of Abrams, Mo And Krill, and Viscous

Djinn's Mark (3)

tempest ward mirage ability

Passive: Your shots apply an increasing multiplier on the target. When the multiplier on a target expires or you reach the max, it's consumed and the target suffers Spirit Damage and is briefly revealed on the map. The final damage is the base damage times the multiplier.

16 Base Damage

8x Max Multiplier

2.5s Cooldown Between Mutliplier

4.5s Multiplier Duration

2s Reveal Duration

Active: Consume multiplier of Djinn's Mark to deal its damage now.

Infernal Resilience Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

Apply 80% Slow for 0.5s whenever the multiplier is 2x or higher

+4s Multiplier Duration and +10 Base Damage

-0.5s Cooldown Between Multiplier and +4 Max Multiplier

  • Items like Ricochet interact with Djinn's Mark's mark, so consider it as a late game buy.

Traveler (4)

traveler mirage ability

Channeled. Target an ally or visible enemy hero on the minimap, then teleport to where they were when your channel started. After teleporting, you gain movement speed as well as fire rate until your next reload.

130s Cooldown

2.5s Channel Duration

+2m/s Move Speed

+20% Fire Rate

4s Move Speed Duration

Seismic Impact Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-20s Cooldown

+2 m/s Move Speed

+20% Fire Rate

  • Traveler is at its best when you're coordinating with allies. Make sure to communicate and you can wombo with heroes like Kelvin, Mo And Krill, and Wraith for easy picks.

Hero Overview

Mirage Weapon Stats



Bullet Damage




Bullets per Second


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Mirage Vitality Stats

Max Health


Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

7 m/s

Sprint Speed

0 m/s
