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DeadlockDeadlock Holliday Guide and Overview

In this Deadlock Holliday guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of her abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.


From the official Deadlock Steam page:

Armed with an heirloom revolver and a spirit lasso, Holliday's investigations have led her to New York... and when she finds the killer she's looking for she's bringing him in dead, not alive.

In-game description:

Holliday depends on her skills as a crack shot, shooting things she's bounced into the air. With good aim, she can lay out heavy damage. Her movement skills let her isolate her enemies or beat a hasty retreat.

Deadlock Holliday Abilities

Underlined = Scales with Spirit.

Powder Keg (1)

powder keg holliday ability

Throw an explosive barrel that arms after a delay.

Once armed, the barrel can be shot, meleed, launched, or detonated by another barrel to explode, dealing Damage.

6m Radius

1 Charges, 1s Cooldown Between Charges

32s Cooldown

100 Explosion Damage

0.5s Arm Time

Powder Keg Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-10s Cooldown

+120 Explosion Damage

+3 Charges

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Bounce Pad (2)

bounce pad holliday ability

Drop a bounce pad in the world that launches any hero. You explode on landing, dealing Damage to any nearby enemies. The explosion can only occur once per Bounce Pad.

1 Charges

3.5s Cooldown Between Charges

12m Radius

22s Duration

37s Cooldown

120 Stomp Damage

+100% Air Control

Bounce Pad Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

You and allies gain a +4m/s movement speed bonus for 4s on landing

+100 Stomp Damage with Improved scaling

1.25s Stun on Stomp

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Crackshot (3)


Headshots deal bonus Damage and applies a Fading Slow. This effect can only occur when off cooldown. Crackshot ignores range damage fall-off. It can be triggered on units but only uses half cooldown this way.

20s Cooldown

60 Damage

+50% Fading Movement Slow

2s Debuff Duration

Crackshot Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+25% Fading Movement Slow

+85 Damage

-4s Cooldown Per Headshot, -2s on creeps

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Spirit Lasso

spirit lasso holliday ability

Throw out your lasso, dealing Damage and grabbing the first enemy hit. Grabbed enemies are Stunned and dragged along behind you. When Spirit Lasso is active, Holliday cannont melee or shoot.

20m Range

2.5s Duration, 2.5s Stun Duration

100s Cooldown

120 Damage

Spirit Lasso Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

+80 Damage

+0.75s Duration

-30s Cooldown

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Holliday Weapon Stats



Bullet Damage



10 Ammo

Bullets per Second

2.22 Bullets per sec

Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Holliday Vitality Stats

Max Health


Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

8.3 m/s

Sprint Speed

0.5 m/s
