Legends of RuneterraGuides

LoR Deck Guide: Corina’s Catalogue

How to Play Corina’s Catalogue

Corina Control is a classic deck that gets updates here and there with buffed cards or added cards. Recently, Corina Veraza got a slight buff where the stats are a bit stronger now.

Time Trick is a card that got added to the original version as well. However, a bigger change is Catalogue of Regrets which allows it to have more resources than before and makes Go Hard a more viable win con than it was before.

Around a year ago, I used a similar deck to climb to Masters but of course, the meta has changed since then. This is a deck that thrives when it is against a lot of aggressive or burn heavy decks. Since it has a lot of healing and defensive tools.

Ledros and Atrocity can also be a stronger closer against some control decks.

However, this deck can struggle against midrange decks that can put out chunkier threats that are harder for this deck to deal with.

This deck is a fairly straightforward control deck that I highly recommend to newer players or players who are looking to relax while playing Runeterra.

Corina’s Catalogue (LoR Deck)


[See Corina’s Catalogue deck details]

Goal of Deck

As you may have noticed, this deck is almost built entirely out of spells rather than units. This is to give the best odds for Corina when she is played. She obliterates the top 5 cards of a deck and for every spell, she does 1 damage to everything on the opponent’s board including the Nexus.

When paired with Ledros the two of them can close out a game easily. On top of that, Atrocity is an additional option for finishing a game.

The Set-Up

For most of the game, you will be focusing on playing reactively to what your opponent is doing. With the exception of Karma decks, you can afford to pass over and over again as long as you aren’t falling behind on the board.

Every time your opponent passes, it allows you to get closer to your Ledros, Corina, Atrocity win condition without expending resources or losing health. Passing is almost always good for you as you know you have the late game secured with this deck.

After playing reactively, you generally finish the game by playing Ledros then Corina. Sometimes, you might have to play Corina on turn 9 to keep an opponent’s units in check before executing your game plan to finish out the game. However, if you aren’t worried about your opponent’s board, then you want to play Ledros first to half-health the Nexus.

If you can play Ledros a couple of times before Corina or Atrocity this is preferred, but it is usually against other control decks that you have the opportunity to play Ledros multiple times. However, against more aggressive decks, you usually out control them with the area of effect spells you have and healing.


The mulligan is pretty straightforward. Generally, you keep Elise in your starting hand against any deck. There are some exceptions such as against Pantheon Shyvana with the Fated Dragon it can be tough. Elise is incredibly strong as she allows you to get a strong board presence for only 2 mana. Some decks also can’t block against her and that allows her to get additional chip damage.

Against aggressive decks, you will want to keep cards like Go Hard, Vile Feast, Withering Wail, and against some decks The Box.

Corina’s Catalogue Mulligan2

Against control decks, you will want to keep Catalogue of Regrets to extend your resources, Ledros, and other defensive tools such as Vengeance.

Corina’s Catalogue Mulligan3

Typically, I keep a mix of a couple of early-game cards and keep one or two late-game cards when I am playing against another slow control deck. As well as keeping an eye out of combos such as keeping Go Hard with Catalogue of Regrets to get Go Hard into Pack Your Bags out earlier.

Corina’s Catalogue Mulligan

In this hand, against most decks, you’d keep Go Hard and Elise. Against control decks, you’d keep Ledros as well. If you are against a control deck that doesn’t have an answer to Atrocity you’d keep it.

However, if you are playing against a deck that does have an answer against it such as Deny or Minimorph, then you’d mulligan Atrocity away.

Against aggressive lists, you’d only keep Go Hard and Elise and hope for more healing and reactive options such as Vile Feast and Withering Wail.


Corina Control is strong against aggressive and burn decks. It is also very strong against most swarm decks.

However, it can struggle against the more combo-type decks such as Iceborn Poros or Ahri Kennen.

It can also struggle against decks that have multiple large threats although there can be tech choices to help against these decks that will be talked about in the deck tech section.

Tech Choices

Hapless Aristocrat: An additional blocker for the early game especially if you are playing against a lot of aggressive opponents. Generally, you’d trade out Catalogue to keep the number of spells high. You could also take out Senna instead for Hapless.

Hapless Aristocrat (LoR Card)

Vi: Vi can help against midrange decks as she acts as additional removal for them. She would replace Senna in the deck.

Vi Level 1 (LoR card)

Additional Ruinations: This is to help against chunky midrange decks.

The Ruination (LoR Card)

Brood Awakening: Additional units can allow you to slow down slower opponents before you can finish with your late-game cards.

Brood Awakening (LoR Card)

Piercing Darkness: This helps against midrange decks to delay them longer.

Piercing Darkness (LoR card)

This has been a player favorite for a long time is one of my favorite decks to chill out and play. In the right metas, this deck can really take off, usually in aggressive metas. It’s a fun deck and I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to ask Silverfuse during her streams (usually daily from 2-6PM CST).

Catch Silverfuse live at www.twitch.tv/silverfuse