Diablo IVTier List

Mobalytics Tier List Methdology for Diablo 4

Table of contents

How We Define Our Tier Rankings

Hello everyone!

We thought it would be useful to break down exactly how we rank builds for our Diablo 4 tier list, and give some insights into the methodology.

We’ll start by discussing how we test builds, and then we’ll go into the point system that we roughly use to rank them.

Five Experts, Specializing in Each Class

For starters, each class has 1 expert (aside from Barbarian which has 2). These experts exclusively focus on theorycrafting their class before the season starts, and once the season comes out they test all their builds and theories and see what actually works and what doesn’t.

All of us strive to keep the tier list completely up to date, as well as the builds on it. As a result we update builds every time we make improvements or discover something new. We also strive to represent as many builds for each class as possible, even if builds are on the weaker side we will still try to make the best possible build we can.

Point Scale

With regards to how we rank builds, we rely on each of our experts to rate their builds based roughly on a point scale. That point scale is as follows:

  • Nightmare 100 Clear Speed (10 Points)
  • Bossing Clear Speed (5 Points)
  • World Content Speed (3 Points)
  • Ease Of Play/Assembly (3 Points)

Nightmare 100 Clear Speed is weighted so highly because if a build can clear Nightmare 100, it can generally do everything else very well. It requires high AOE damage, high single target damage, and high mobility to properly crush Nightmare 100 dungeons.

Bossing Clear Speed mainly refers to Duriel and Lilith, and is representative of how quickly a build can kill those bosses. The amount of points this category contributes was pumped up this tier due to how much of your time will be spent bossing.

World Content Speed is important mostly because this is what you will be farming for boss materials, and mostly indicates how quickly a build can move and deal AOE damage.

Ease of Play/Assembly refers to both how easy a build is to play and how easy it is to get a build online. If the build is extremely squishy or requires perfect rolls to work, then it will get a bad score in this category!

Hopefully, this shines some light on how we rate builds! This rating system will likely change again in the future as new content gets added and what’s important in builds changes, but for now this is the best way to rate builds in our opinion!

Tiers Explained

For a more TLDR approach, here’s how we view each tier.

S-tier: The Elite Builds

S-tier builds are the cream of the crop, possessing exceptional power and capabilities. These are the builds that any group wants to bring.

Furthermore, these builds are usually among the top 10% for solo play. Any build that is overpowered (OP) and requires nerfs due to broken mechanics or excessively high scaling will also be placed in the S-tier.

A-tier: The Solid Performer

A-tier builds are really good and solid all around. They are not overpowered but can perform End-Game content without much of a problem.

These builds are either considered balanced or perhaps just a cut above. A-tier builds are suitable for players looking for a reliable, strong build that can handle various challenges in the game.

B-tier: The Average Build

B-tier builds are not as good as the other builds due to various reasons, such as damage, speed, survivability, or bugged mechanics that don’t work correctly.

They may require more effort or specific strategies to excel in the game. If you choose a B-tier build, be prepared to face some challenges and limitations compared to the more powerful builds in the S and A tiers.

We hope that clears things up for you! Return back to tier list.